
Which Size Battery Valve Do I Need For My New Golf Cart Battery Watering System

We get phone calls all the time asking “Which Size Battery Valve Do I Need For My New Golf Cart Battery Watering System?” So you will find below a few charts from Battery Watering Technologies covering the basic battery manufactures that offer Golf Cart Batteries.


As you will notice most 6 volt and 8 volt golf cart batteries are using the longer arm (1.73″) VB-TBB valve. Only in a select few 6 volt or 8 volt batteries will you find they require a shorter arm length (1.46″) . Usually the VB-TBY valve is found in the 12 volt golf cart batteries. This is because the shorter valve is required in most 12 volt batteries due to the fact the lead plates take up more space within the battery case and come up closer to the top of the battery and individual cells.


These valves sit in each cell and floats attached to the arms move it up and down depending on the water level internally to determine electrolyte levels. If the valve arm is bottomed out on the lead plates it will always give a false reading that the batteries have enough water in each cell even though they could be totally empty or only half full.


Battery Charts

You will find below a list of the possible batteries you are currently using in your golf cart. Note – If you intend to replace your golf cart batteries in the near future either wait til you replace to purchase and install this system, be sure to replace the batteries with the same make and model so your battery watering system will still fit properly on the new batteries or do some research and go with a quality battery that will give you years of trouble free use and are readily available so when you do replace years down the road you are going to be able to find the brand, model and size you need. Brands like Crown, Deka, Trojan or US Battery to name a few. Learn more about battery watering systems.

Battery Watering Systems - Golf Cart Battery Valve Size Guide - Pg1

Battery Watering Systems - Golf Cart Battery Valve Size Guide - Pg2

Battery Watering Systems - Golf Cart Battery Valve Size Guide - Pg3

Battery Watering Systems - Golf Cart Battery Valve Size Guide - Pg4

Help is on hand

You can always feel free to reach out to us at (772) 444-2280 or (954) 675-4068 should you still have any questions about ordering the correct battery watering system for your golf cart or other applications. Pete’s team is always here to help and standing by to assist you. Or you can drop us a line on our contact us page. (We will get back to you within 24 hrs).

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