Golf Cart Mufflers Why Do We Need One? When Should You Replace it?

Golf Cart Mufflers Why Do We Need One? When Should You Replace it?

A golf cart muffler is just a good idea. Just like for your car, truck, boat or RV.

If you have ever been to the race track you know how loud a vehicle can be when revving their engines and running open headers… Meaning “No exhaust at all” not to mention the mufflers.

So being our golf cart is used in a residential neighborhood or public place where others will be present. It is just something we see as a common courtesy to others. A loud noisy engine running around in the general area would just be down right annoying. Nobody likes to be annoyed when they are relaxing or trying to relax after work or on a weekend vacation in the RV park, or at the beach.

So whereever life might find you and regardless of the year make and model of your golf cart, If it is noisy (louder than your average car), checkout these mufflers… All orders over $99 ship Free everyday – 365…

Whether you own a Club Car, Ezgo or Yamaha golf cart, Pete has you covered.

Things to look for that will tell you it is time to replace your muffler

  • Visually can see exhaust escaping the motor before exiting the exhaust tip
  • Rusted out or cracked muffler
  • Broken or cracked muffler flange that attaches to the Cylinder Head
  • Completely missing and your golf cart sounds like it is ready for the races.

Golf Cart Mufflers Why Do We Need One? When Should You Replace it?

Choosing a replacement muffler

Where can I find a replacement golf cart muffler for my golf cart? Follow this link.

Any questions?

If you have any questions, leave a reply below or get in touch with Pete’s team.


2 thoughts on “Golf Cart Mufflers Why Do We Need One? When Should You Replace it?

  1. Where do I find a model number on my golf cart? . Ez cart. Thanks.

    1. Norm – Thank you for your inquiry…. Checkout this blog article for the basics of determining the make and model of your Ezgo golf cart….

      Pete’s team

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2 thoughts on “Golf Cart Mufflers Why Do We Need One? When Should You Replace it?

  1. Where do I find a model number on my golf cart? . Ez cart. Thanks.

    1. Norm – Thank you for your inquiry…. Checkout this blog article for the basics of determining the make and model of your Ezgo golf cart….

      Pete’s team

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