Golf Cart Front Suspension Rebuild Kit Club Car DS 1993
This Golf Cart Front Suspension Rebuild Kit is designed specifically for the Club Car DS 1993 and Up. This set includes all the required parts to replace bushings, sleeves, nuts, washers and spindle mount with collar. Each Golf Cart Front Suspension Rebuild Kit for the Club Car DS includes all components shown in product image. Complete Golf Cart Front Suspension Rebuild Kit Club Car DS 1993 and Up

Pete’s Quick Tips – If you own an older golf cart and find yourself going through this process due to bad tire wear or rattling or knocking due to metal on metal component wear it is advised to check your rear leaf spring bushings and shock absorber bushings as well. Usually if the shock bushings need replacing in the front end the rear leaf spring bushings are shot or have disappeared totally. You will want to make sure to clean out the eyes on your leaf springs prior to installing new ones. Surface rust and crap tend to build up in this area causing installation of new bushings to be more difficult. Will also lead to excessive wear. Using a small wire brush or rounded file in this area prior to will ease installation of new bushings.
Should you have any problems with checking out or if you have any questions regarding anything golf cart related. Feel Free to call us today! Pete’s team is always standing by to help you. (772) 247-GOLF