Petes Golf Cart Buying Guide

Petes Golf Cart Buying Guide

If you are in the market for a new golf cart you should consider several factors. After you do your research and decide what kind of golf cart you want you should consider Pete’s Golf Carts as the one stop shop to get the cart you want at a fair price in a timely manner.

The Buying Guide

Make a list

You will want to make a short list of the things you would like to do with your new golf cart. Like going to the beach or going to the golf course? Hauling your tools or gear around or just want to haul people.


Once this is determined then you can decide on a ton of after-market accessories we offer to complement the build of your golf cart so it is fun yet functional for your needs.

Build the golf cart of your dreams with a custom build

Two complete two-seater turnkey golf carts facing each other at sunset
The majority of our customers buy their carts like this instead of one already put together with just basic colors and cheap cookie cutter basic accessories.

This way the golf cart buyer or our customer can get it the way they want with colors and accessories that are usable and fun. Plus the peace of mind that comes with buying something that will have some type of warranty on the important systems that make your golf cart function properly. Like 12 month free replacement warranty on batteries. And a two year manufacturers warranty on battery chargers.

Watch out for small print
Large and small club car golf carts in the parking lot

Other golf cart offers or so called deals…” Just don’t stack up.” You will be surprised to find what you get when you deal with Pete vs the competition.

Cherry red club car 2007 Gas Model four seater golf cart

Paying for your customized cart

On all of Pete’s custom builds they require a 50% deposit after the cart is described and itemized to create a cost basis and come up with a fixed agreed-to selling/purchase price between the prospective buyer and Pete’s team of professionals. The other 50% is due on delivery.

Any questions – just ask

You can feel free to contact us at 772-247-GOLF or me directly at 954-675-4068 should you have any further questions to schedule a build and estimate a tentative delivery date.


FAQ – #1 – It sounds expensive to have Pete build our custom golf cart. How much do they cost?

Answer – Not really! Pete’s team will build your custom golf cart usually for much less than you could on your own not includung the labor and tools required to do it. The average price for a custom golf cart is $7500.00 for a late model project (2010 and up Club Car, Ezgo, or Yamaha models – Electric or Gas) Basic builds start at $4500.00 (usd) and go up from there.

All golf carts can be paid for in advance or on delivery. Financing is available on the majority of our golf carts and custom builds. Custom built golf carts require a 50% deposit after cart is described and itemized to create a cost basis and come up with a fixed agreed to selling/purchase price. The other 50% is due on delivery. (Delivery is available locally, statewide, nationwide and worldwide – Free local delivery – all others subject to shipping fee. Statewide usually $150.00-200.00, nationally is usually $350-700.00 depending on your location.)

The team at Pete’s Golf Carts builds quality carts using brand name golf carts as the foundation for every build. Global brands like Club Car, Ezgo, Tomberlin and Yamaha.

FAQ – #2 – What are the best golf carts to buy?

Answer – That is kind of a loaded question. In my humble opinion I would say the best golf cart you can buy for the money you invest. All the major brands like Club Car, Ezgo, Tomberlin and Yamaha have been manufacturing their golf carts for quite a while and they also have thousands of hours of use and data to make them better every year. Each brand and model has similar features and different options that make them unique. Basic features and benefits of a golf cart go industry wide across all the brands. This is another reason why we created Pete’s Golf Cart Buying Guide. To inform the consumer and give the next golf cart owner the knowledge they need when deciding on their first golf cart or their next golf cart.

FAQ – #3 – What kind of maintenance is involved in owning a golf cart.

Answer – All late model golf carts are relatively maintenance free compared to other recreational vehicles like a boat, car or truck. Of course the little maintenance that is required will depend on what type of propulsion system you choose.

Gas or Electric? With electric models you will want to have a good quality golf cart battery charger that you plug into your house or garage after daily use to keep the batteries in your golf cart charged. If you choose the gas model you will need to change the oil on occasion with an annual tune up or put gas in it as needed.

So it depends, but again it goes back to what needs you are looking to meet with your next golf cart. Are you in a little beach town with bars, restaurants and attractions you want to frequent? or are you out on the range feeding live stock or hunting game?

4 thoughts on “Petes Golf Cart Buying Guide

  1. Hi, Pete! I am planning to buy a used golf cart for me, as my old one is damaged beyond repair. I have a question though… When buying a golf cart from a dealer in, or around The Villages, is the price fixed, or is it negotiable?

    1. Daisy – Thank you for your inquiry…. We offer all sorts of custom cart options and have some good late model used carts available… That inventory is constantly changing though.
      Yet whatever the agreed to sale price is the sale price on all of our golf carts. Custom builds or used ones… Then shipping costs to the Villages would only be $200

      Hopefully this was helpful…

  2. Hi Pete
    I have found your site to be addicting.
    I do not golf, have never driven a golf cart, but have been wanting one for going to and from in a place we often go to for vacation. May even try golf sometime.—

    We would leave the cart at the location, about 3 1/2 hours away, and although we do go more in the summer, we don’t go much in the winter due to the cold and snow there. How do you maintain the batteries in this situation?
    I do want a club car precedent, but see there are so many kinds. I always LIKE IT ALL, but at the minimum want 4 seater. There are many accessories I would like too, if included but not too costly. I don’t care about fancy lifts or body work. Don’t want BASIC either.
    What about batteries–kind to avoid, check? What are the issues to be cautious of buying second had or from a dealer far away. Is there a certain year you would recommend or not? Again, this is a frivolous purchase that I have to sell my husband on. He is on board –to a point.
    Any recommendations of what I should be looking at or staying away from. I know that newer is not always better, but I also realize “cheaper” is not either.
    Trying hard to find the best fit at a decent, fair price and not have buyers remorse.
    Are there certain states that I should avoid? Also, used, refurbished carts? How do I know???
    Thank you
    Love your website. You have inspired me to learn to know more.

    1. Carol – Thank you for your inquiry and kind words…. I am at a loss now as I see this msg has gone unanswered for some time….. Personally I will say I like the Club Car because it has been around for a long time and parts are readily available and affordable vs say a Yamaha…. available yes – but usually more expensive to fix if an issue. Batteries should be new when you dive in to your new cart experience…. then just purchase a smart charger like the Summit II from Lester that will maintain them on its own while you are away… it will turn on and off by itself…. No other charger is as good or does it as Lester does… regardless of claims… we have seen them all and only sell the best… also they have the industry best 4 year warranty…. As for the cart… newer is always better, batteries must be new or deduct 800 from the purchase price to buy on your own …. suggest to purchase from landlocked stater away from coastal areas with salt air …. cart under carriage will be alot better shape vs one on beach area…. if you go for the Precedent model…. be sure to drive and turn left/ right hard to listen for clicks or clanks… ( Bushing suspension issues…. ) Look under neath for rust or neglect, test park/hill brake several times to make sure it locks… itherwise that alone is a 300 fix if you need to replace pedal assembly…

      Hopefully this is enough to get you in trouble lol… and make you feel more confident as you look to purchase your first golf cart…. a fair price for a good used one ( re-furbished nothing fancy but different is 5-6k usually )


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4 thoughts on “Petes Golf Cart Buying Guide

  1. Hi, Pete! I am planning to buy a used golf cart for me, as my old one is damaged beyond repair. I have a question though… When buying a golf cart from a dealer in, or around The Villages, is the price fixed, or is it negotiable?

    1. Daisy – Thank you for your inquiry…. We offer all sorts of custom cart options and have some good late model used carts available… That inventory is constantly changing though.
      Yet whatever the agreed to sale price is the sale price on all of our golf carts. Custom builds or used ones… Then shipping costs to the Villages would only be $200

      Hopefully this was helpful…

  2. Hi Pete
    I have found your site to be addicting.
    I do not golf, have never driven a golf cart, but have been wanting one for going to and from in a place we often go to for vacation. May even try golf sometime.—

    We would leave the cart at the location, about 3 1/2 hours away, and although we do go more in the summer, we don’t go much in the winter due to the cold and snow there. How do you maintain the batteries in this situation?
    I do want a club car precedent, but see there are so many kinds. I always LIKE IT ALL, but at the minimum want 4 seater. There are many accessories I would like too, if included but not too costly. I don’t care about fancy lifts or body work. Don’t want BASIC either.
    What about batteries–kind to avoid, check? What are the issues to be cautious of buying second had or from a dealer far away. Is there a certain year you would recommend or not? Again, this is a frivolous purchase that I have to sell my husband on. He is on board –to a point.
    Any recommendations of what I should be looking at or staying away from. I know that newer is not always better, but I also realize “cheaper” is not either.
    Trying hard to find the best fit at a decent, fair price and not have buyers remorse.
    Are there certain states that I should avoid? Also, used, refurbished carts? How do I know???
    Thank you
    Love your website. You have inspired me to learn to know more.

    1. Carol – Thank you for your inquiry and kind words…. I am at a loss now as I see this msg has gone unanswered for some time….. Personally I will say I like the Club Car because it has been around for a long time and parts are readily available and affordable vs say a Yamaha…. available yes – but usually more expensive to fix if an issue. Batteries should be new when you dive in to your new cart experience…. then just purchase a smart charger like the Summit II from Lester that will maintain them on its own while you are away… it will turn on and off by itself…. No other charger is as good or does it as Lester does… regardless of claims… we have seen them all and only sell the best… also they have the industry best 4 year warranty…. As for the cart… newer is always better, batteries must be new or deduct 800 from the purchase price to buy on your own …. suggest to purchase from landlocked stater away from coastal areas with salt air …. cart under carriage will be alot better shape vs one on beach area…. if you go for the Precedent model…. be sure to drive and turn left/ right hard to listen for clicks or clanks… ( Bushing suspension issues…. ) Look under neath for rust or neglect, test park/hill brake several times to make sure it locks… itherwise that alone is a 300 fix if you need to replace pedal assembly…

      Hopefully this is enough to get you in trouble lol… and make you feel more confident as you look to purchase your first golf cart…. a fair price for a good used one ( re-furbished nothing fancy but different is 5-6k usually )


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